Monday, February 21, 2005


As I sit here and type, the sun is shining. And it ain't just any old's the warm, glowy kind that comes after a weekend of pissing-down-until-you-want-to-scream rain. My bike is outside on the sidewalk,'s begging me for a ride! *****sigh*****

Alas, children...I am stuck INSIDE my office with no windows, and no glowy sunshine. Dammit, man. The rain is coming back this week, and I have to get some miles. Serenity now, serenity now!

Didn't get to attend the girls' night out at Sawyers...the pics were great and I know y'all had a blast. Maybe next time I can make it, that is if old ladies are allowed, LMAO. But I know personally that "old ladies" have a lot of experience in life and give really good advice.

It has been a non-issue day. Hooray for non-issue days! I'm sick of drama....

Friday, February 18, 2005

To put things in perspective, here's a photo of my mother (L) and my aunt (R) when they were young. I love this picture, because they are playing dress-up with my great-grandmother's hats! This reminds me of a simpler time, simpler living...of sheer simplicity. Peace. Posted by Hello

Fri-Day, Bad-Day

Today sucks, simply put. This is about to be a poor me fest, so if you aren't interested in a whiny rant, this ain't for you.

I am mad at my bank which allowed 15+ NSF checks to pass thru my account after I made an apparent huge error in my checkbook. Now, I have discovered that I have NO money in my account, because at least $200 worth of hot check charges have been applied. Let me give you some reasons why I'm so f------ mad.

1. I have been with this "bank" since I first opened a savings account there at the age of 10. I am now 35.

2. EVERYONE at said bank knows me, or has heard my name. I grew up in the town, graduated there (along with all 3 of my siblings). My parents bank there. Everyone knows my parents. It's a very, very small town.

3. My name is Pollyanna. I'm sure it would be really hard for this small town bank to recognize my name in a NSF list since Pollyanna is such a common name anyway. And besides, they don't have time to give me a call to find out why so many hot checks are showing up on my account which is NEVER overdrawn.

4. I am human, and know the mistake is my fault and will readily admit it. But cripes! I scratch to get by as it is, so how the f---do they expect to ever get their f------ money when they charge ridiculous processing fees for checks that they covered anyway? The fees they charged me on allllll those checks would have covered the difference, stopping anymore hot checks from showing up. Instead, they keep covering, and keep on charging. Hmmmmmm.

5. When I asked one of the ladies at the branch here in town why they didn't call, I discovered that they still have my account set up in MY OLD MARRIED NAME. Again, I remind you, my first name is Pollyanna, veeeeery common, I know. Shazam, I've only been divorced 3.5 years. I guess I should be patient while they endeavor to get my account details up to date after 3.5 years, while charging me fees out the ass.

6. I have had one other incidence of "hot checks" in the past 10 years when THEY made a $1000 mistake to my bad. I don't write hot checks for a living is my point. Since I have been a customer of theirs for 25 years, I am surprised someone didn't notice the change in my account activity. 15 + hot checks coming thru an otherwise typical consumer account would throw up a flag for me. For one, did the customer get their checkbook stolen? Does this customer WANT to pay $20 per check just to have them covered? I'll let y'all figure that one out yourselves.

7. Is THIS how they make their money? By charging the hell outta the little (lifetime)customers, and kissing the asses of the affluent who sit on their board?

I have decided not to call them today since I can't seem to stop crying long enough to speak in clear sentences. I don't know why this has unnerved me so, except that I am beyond frustration! And the saddest part is whole day has been ruined by something I hate.....MONEY. I constantly brag on my bank, telling people, "Oh, they aren't like other "faceless" entities...they call you when something comes up." Oooops. I spoke too soon.

I think I'll just start cashing my checks. I'm gonna bury my money in mason jars.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

OMG...look at my double chin. This is my dearest friend Beth (r) and me (l) on our cruise 2 years ago. That was before we each lost 20-25 pounds of disgusting lard. Look for a comparison pic in a couple of months cause we are going back! This time a little thinner and a lot happier! Look out...Mexico will never be the same! Posted by Hello

Super Duper Stupor

I cannot believe how remiss I have been in not mentioning the fact that our sleepy-fied little town now has a Super Wal-Mart. Yes, we are now on the map in SE AR. You can now see anyone and everything 24-7 at this big whopping expanse of retail bliss...and by anyone, I mean everyone whom you intended to avoid on your outing to said retail giant.

I have just come down with a friggin' cold/flu/crud that will require Nyquil or the generic equivalent. I have a giant cold sore rearing it's ugly self on my bottom lip, and I look like crap. Plus I need a few groceries to make some "this-will-make-me-well" soup and cornbread. And the way I feel, the fewer stops, the better. Thus, we witness the magical lull of the piper as he calls to us..."we knoooooow you feel bad, so make it eeeeeeasy on heeeeeere, we have eeeeeeverything." So beat me. I'm going to Super Duper to get in a shopping stupor.

Ooooooweeeee, I can even check myself out at the "checkerless" checkout. Now that is a totally de-personalized shopping experience if I ever saw one! No one to make small-talk with, no one to say, "what's that on your lip?" If I could just get some of that urban camo from the alien on "Predator", I could slip in and out, under the radar, undetected. But alas, no chance. I'll wind up seeing everyone on my dad's side of the family and at least 12 former classmates. But I don't mind, it gives me a chance to catch up, and whine about my cold sore. Ouch.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Best Revenge

I have been thinking of how different my life has become over the past 6 months or so...and by differnt, I mean BETTER. And it's not just because of the man in my life (although that's a BIG bonus), or because I won the lottery, or because of any other esoteric reason. I have finally figured out who I am. *****laughing aloud, grinning*****
I thought about doing the "100 Things" about me and posting on here, and maybe I will eventually. But let it be said that I know today more about MYSELF than ever in my life. I'm not being humanistic or arrogant. It's like I have searched my whole life for the proverbial "holy grail", and shazam! here it is. It's called contentment. And let me emphasize that before, I really didn't want to get to know myself, because I didn't like me...AT ALL.

Some of you may say, "Listen to all that psychological mumbo-jumbo self re-enforcement bullshit." I beg your pardon...I didn't solicit the services of some "professional" to figure things out...I did it with the help of my many beloved family and friends. You know who you are...I won't put down real names so the innocent will be protected, LMAO...innocent. Heehee. How 'bout nicknames? Y'all try to figure it out...
T, Rammel, Poppa, Snick Snoid, 'Pell This, A-Rod, JMG and JEC, Onesassylady, Nurse Na-Na, Lawrence, Spot and of course, Boo. Can't forget Sivva-Luv and Kang both my Pappy's and Myrt...gone but not forgotten. And love to Nance and Jas for keeping family stuff alive. To all my cousin's and close-cousin's I never see, thanks for always being like we just parted yesterday. I am blessed beyond any fault or need that this life can throw my way. Thank you all.

I want to thank you all for standing by while I flailed and wallowed, making sure I didn't get too wrapped up in my bad choices. Thank you for your love, for listening, for ENDLESS hours of councelling, for your patience. And most of all, thanks for NOT JUDGING ME by the mistakes I made.I know I made plenty...over, and over and over.

And to all of you who
treated me badly,
spread false rumors about me,
used me,
kicked me when I was down,
wasted my time,
took me for granted,
made fun of me,
lied to me,
lied about me,
tried to buy my affection,
stabbed me in the back again and again,
led me down a bad path,
said you cared but didn't,
said you LOVED but didn't?

All you haters can kiss my very round, and very white ass...repeatedly. Let me tell you why. Because living well really is the best revenge, and living well I AM. Check this out, haters...
I am happy, reeeeeeally happy.
I love the best man on the face of this earth, and he loves me back.
I have a great job that is fun and (finally) pays well.
I have everything I could ever want.
I LOOK great (sorry, I do).
I FEEL great (sorry, I do!).
I have the best family in the world, period.
I am respected by my peers.

And best of all, NONE OF YOU CAN HURT ME ANYMORE. You chumps can't even SEE me, you dig? I love Petey Pablo's song "Roll Off"...listen to it. By the way, it's rap.

Thus ends todays rant and pick-me-up session. I hope all of you whom I love are laughing at this right now, and being happy along with me. And all you haters? Boo-hoo, punks.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Congrats Sister!

How could I have forgotten to tell about my sister's valentine gift? Duh! Happy V-Day to Tammy who is the proud owner of a gorgeous Kawasaki Vulcan's a cadillac, fer shizzle! Can't wait to ride witcha, sis!

C'est L'amore

Okay, it's take the kissy-kissy quiz. It's funny and fast...
I dedicated a song to Boo on the morning show. Don't know if he heard it or not...Van Halen, "Love Walks In". Well, it did literally walk in one night...and I'm so glad it never left. I love you, Boo.
The sun is shining! Methinks I will get out my scooter today, and bling-bling around town. I love my bike soooo much.

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by

Friday, February 11, 2005

This is a picture my sister took of the sunrise where we live...there's no place like home.*sigh* Posted by Hello

The Perfect Day...

Finally, after what seemed to be eons, it has stopped raining. The sun has even dared to show its face again. I had begun to think the sun had taken a vacation in the next galaxy, and decided to stay.
This really has been a near-perfect day...except for the fact that I'm at work. But I did get to sit in the sun for a couple of hours and do a remote from main street. Fresh air, sunshine, and plenty of coffee....ahhhhhhhhhh. Wasn't bad at all.
My dear, dear sister and her husband have purchased matching hogs. No, I don't mean the snorting kind! Congrats to you both! Can't wait to go riding witcha...send me a pic soon so I can post up on here.
To all you lovers out there, happy V-day. To all y'all who may still be waiting for someone you can REALLLY live with, be patient. They will show up. Believe me...I'm a prime example of the "stop looking and they will come" mentality. Also, if you are single and looking, remember my words....don't put up with any bullshit. It ain't worth it, and they ain't gonna change. Don't settle. You WILL reget it.
I love my life.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Here's a pic of (l to r) my boss, me and our color commentator. My boss does play-by-play and I do sideline commentating. It's soooo fun. Yeah my hair is reeeeally knappy. Posted by Hello

My Job

Have no idea why my comments disappeared, but they should be back with this post. This is an incredibly busy day. I work at a radio station and we do local sports broadcasts. We have a basketball game at Whitehall tonight, so we have to work extra-ahead to be able to leave early. It's a fun job to have, but time-sensitive issues drive me crazy.
Doing sports is one of my fave things about this job. The football is fun, but I looooove basketball. I think it's because I come from a school that had a lot of basketball tradition. The season is almost over, and I'm gonna miss it. But having Friday nights free again wil be nice. I need a long weekend....a REEEEAALLY long weekend.
By the way, I'm starving. Another fringe bene of travelling with sports is EATING. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh, wonder where it will be tonight?

Monday, February 07, 2005

From left, my sister, my dad and me...and his sportster back in '01. Posted by Hello

My Daddy

For as long as I can remember, by dad has been larger than life to me. I always had a healthy respect and "fear" of my dad and still do. But at the same time, I knew that my dad had a hug and kiss for me everyday, and he always told me he loved me. Now that I'm older, it's strange to think of my dad as a friend, but he is my friend, one of the best I've ever had.
Looking back over my raising and childhood, I can see how much his influence has had on me, probably much more now than my mom ever did. My mother was loving, soft-spoken, a great teacher...the perfect mother really. I appreciate everything she did for me as a child, and it has helped make me who I am today. But I cannot deny that I am a female version of my dad! People tell me all the time, "You are just like your dad." I consider that a compliment on the highest level, and I strive to always honor and respect him in everything I do.
Thanks dad for making me who I am. Thank you for the fun times, and the stories, and the fishing trips, and the duck hunting, and riding around in the chevy luv truck listening to Charlie Daniels on 8-track. I will never forget those times. And thanks for being my friend now, for not judging me when I mess up, and for your continued love and support for me. Having you in my life is a blessing, and knowing you are there gives me comfort and strength even when I don't think there is any left. I love you daddy. Thanks for loving me.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Me, my niece and friends at Gulf Shores last year. Afterward, the hotel we stayed at was levelled by the hurricane! Posted by Hello

Me and my sweet thang...the one who gave me the Valentine bike. Dam, I'm lucky. Posted by Hello

This is me on my early Valentine gift...Ooooooweee. It's purple! Posted by Hello

Pulp Reality Quiz

So....I visited Ginger's blog, and took the Pulp Fiction Character Quiz. Kinda fun, kinda creepy! Try'll like it.

What Pulp Fiction Character Are You?

You're a hardworking individual enshrouded by an overwhelming sense of mystery, beauty, and intrigue. Though always on the go, you keep focused, helping -- often rapturing -- those you meet.

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Rain, rain....go away.

For as long as I can remember, it has been raining. I'm sick of it. Not gonna whine about it, but it needs to go. The rain is like one of those people (and we all have them) who just bug the the snot out of you. It keeps hanging around, dribbling and pissing down on you until you want to scream! You try to be nice, you try to ignore it, but it just STAYS. Let's all do an anti-rain dance, shall we?
Reason #1
I have a new bike that I cannot ride because I would catch pneumonia
while being pelted with rain, wet road kill, and worse.
Reason #2
It's a real drag, (and it can be done)but.........Fishing in the rain sucks.
Reason #3
My job requires that I get into and out of a car over and over and over...even in the rain. This makes my hair extra-knappy.
Reason #4
My front stomp (yard) is a mud pit...goodbye good carpet.
Reason #5
I believe, and hypothesize, that PMS symptoms are exacerbated by too much rain.