1st Annual Cousin's Retreat
And, yes. We had more fun and ate more cheese than it is legal to admit. Thanks to Steph's prodding us all with a hot poker, we finally succumbed to the pressure and decided it was worth listening to all the whining that would follow when we broke away from our male counterparts (and kids) for more than five whole minutes. We were very sad that Michelle, Misty and Bridget couldn't join us, but we will just be sure that EVERYONE receives an invite next time, m'kay? Yes, Misty, I'm talking to you girl. Attendees included left to right: Stephanie, me, Melanie, Janet, Tammy and Chris.
Being with child, and being clueless, I used this time to glean all the knowledge I could from the veteran mothers in my midst. I got tons of great information, including home video footage of an actual birth, and lots of examples of the hell your children will put you through once they reach the age that they can finally walk. I know birth and motherhood aren't all bad, but just don't ever let your kids wear your boots while dancing around in their underwear. It will make you pee in your pants, people.
I had no idea that so many women with so much gear could fit into such a confined space. But we did, and no one got stepped on or elbowed, a least not on purpose. We actually attempted to have a Liverpool Rummy tournament, but we only lasted two hands. We couldn't stop talking and eating long enough to play...are you surprised?
No, that swath of green isn't Ireland, it's my right butt cheek. Alas, I wasn't much help and she eventually figured out. She also took some great family photos of Chris, Aaron and Brynn, plus some of me and my pregnant belly. I will post these later. Mel is a fabulous photographer. Check out her work here: http://leaveallworries.blogspot.com/ She is also a fabulous dancer and karaoke singer, especially when she has had too much vodka and cranberry juice. Rope the calf, Mel...rope the calf.
Speaking of roping the calf, here's the original roper herself with her precious little one, AnnaClaire. Janet, don't you dare teach that baby that dance. Nanie would flip a grid...
Thank you, ladies for your love, advice and fantastic dip recipes. And thanks to Chris for sharing these photos, hope you don't mind that I used them. The time just went by too, too fast, didn't it? And for the love of all things holy, please let's not forget to invite Mrs. Jim Meziere next time. Otherwise, there will be no divinity next Christmas.
I love it!! Why heavens no I don't care that you used my pictures!!! :) It was a wonderful time. I can't wait for our next one in July. I love you. :)
Had a BALL! Wouldn't have missed it...it's been too many years since we all spent more than a few hours around each other. I miss ya'll already...wish we lived closer.
Love YOU!
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