Friday, February 11, 2005

The Perfect Day...

Finally, after what seemed to be eons, it has stopped raining. The sun has even dared to show its face again. I had begun to think the sun had taken a vacation in the next galaxy, and decided to stay.
This really has been a near-perfect day...except for the fact that I'm at work. But I did get to sit in the sun for a couple of hours and do a remote from main street. Fresh air, sunshine, and plenty of coffee....ahhhhhhhhhh. Wasn't bad at all.
My dear, dear sister and her husband have purchased matching hogs. No, I don't mean the snorting kind! Congrats to you both! Can't wait to go riding witcha...send me a pic soon so I can post up on here.
To all you lovers out there, happy V-day. To all y'all who may still be waiting for someone you can REALLLY live with, be patient. They will show up. Believe me...I'm a prime example of the "stop looking and they will come" mentality. Also, if you are single and looking, remember my words....don't put up with any bullshit. It ain't worth it, and they ain't gonna change. Don't settle. You WILL reget it.
I love my life.


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