Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's a...

Sweet, precious, darling little baby girl!
Little Miss Sylviann 'Sylvi' Estelle Browder is expected to arrive around August 9, 2007.
For those of you who find it hard to 'read' these pictures, she is lying on her side with her little head to the left. You can distinctly see her left eye, and a little pointy chin. She wiggled throughout the whole exam, but cooperated when it mattered most. I have pictures of her 'parts', (or lack thereof) but thought it impertinent of me to post them here. I don't want to embarrass her, she's a lady! So we will accept the word of our professional ultrasound tech, Stephanie, who did a marvelous job and made the whole process informative and very exciting. Thank you, Stephanie. You are so wonderful.
She got a precious picture of Sylvi's tiny feet...

Very soon, I am going to slather those dainty little piggies with baby lotion, and then kiss them and kiss them and kiss them. I will try to resist the urge to dip them in ranch dressing and gobble them up. She may need them later when she is learning to walk.

To make things even more momentous, Aunt Tammy and Cousin Chris were there, too. They took pictures and video of the exam, and then giggled with excitement when Steph announced, "It's a girl!" Thank you both for being there, you are my precious 'sisters' and I rely on you both more than you know. And with whom else could I discuss nipple issues? Not many people, I tell you.

Me? I just kept saying, "Awwwwww! Hi, Sylvi! Wow. Oooooooh, wow."

I know, such profundity is underwhelming, isn't it? Finally, somebody had me at a loss for words. That someone is kicking me right now, and she is named Sylvi.

I will try to post the video here very soon so loved ones far and wide can see just how speechless I was, and how country-fied this here voice of mine really is. It is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Monday, March 19, 2007

The ultrasound countdown...

In a little less than one week, we will FINALLY get to know the s-e-x of this here little one I am cooking up in my dutch oven. I say dutch oven because they get extremely hot and retain heat long after having been removed from a heat source. Kinda like me lately. My thermostat is broken, and now I'm in constant need of a cool drink of water and a fan. AND IT'S NOT EVEN JUNE YET. Lord have mercy on me, a hot, hot pregnant sinner, when the really intolerable summertime gets here.

Many of my friends and loved ones (and even strangers) want to know, "Are you having a boy or girl?" I cannot wait to be able to give a confident and knowledgeable answer to them the next time they ask, but according to many popular opinions, a 20 week ultrasound does in no way guarantee results. Say what?

They say:

"The baby must cooperate, in other words, they have to be willing to show us their nether regions. If they are turned the wrong way, we many not be able to see."


"Some couples who are told a definite sex by an ultrasound technician are stunned when their doctor/midwife proudly announces,'Its' a _______!' The exact opposite of what they thought they were having."

So I guess that means I won't really be able to give a confident answer until the little booger actually emerges. However, if we do manage to see something akin to a teeny weeny, maybe I'll be convinced just a little bit. Either way, I'm hopeful, and anxious, and just a little bit neurotic about it. So far, it will be me, Tammy, Chris, and Brian packed into the little ultrasound room. I should charge admission and start a scholarship fund. Anyone else want to join us?

I still feel great, and enjoying those first little kicks and movements. It's kinda like the feeling you get about thirty minutes after leaving the Mexican restaurant, except not as odorous. At first, it was just a little thump here, a whoosh there. But now, it's full-fledged somersaults, and he/she is having no problem sticking the landing. This whole baby momma thing is very, very interesting.

I will be sure and post here when I get results (definite or not) from the ultrasound next week. And hopefully, post a pic of little Sylvi or Cole for all to see. Oooooooo, there's another message from my little thumper. Yes, I know it's time for our afternoon snack. Gotta go.

Friday, March 09, 2007

At least the kid is normal

When you come from a family like mine, the word 'normal' isn't usually a commonly used descriptive in regard to our character. Clannish, hospitable, and 'just plain nuts' are used much more often. I suppose most outsiders look at our family with stunned disbelief, jaw dragging the ground and think, "Do these people really think they are special or something?" Well, yes, we do actually...that is, if you are thinking short-bus-variety-special. Yes, we are different, but none of us really know exactly why.

Ask anyone who has visited my parents' home during their lifetime, and they can tell you. Or find out from someone who once attended any of the myriad family functions at Cooter, particularly The Easter Egg Hunt, and they will explain. Not to mention all the food-laden extravaganzas at Nanie's house where everyone was expected to eat until bursting, family or not.

We just love everyone and make everyone feel welcome. Honestly, we do. We laugh all the time about everything, and yes, we make fun of each other face to face, and no feelings ever get hurt. Just ask Michelle about the Spread Tooth Song, and she won't cry or slap you silly...she'll sing it to you, with accompaniment if a piano is available. Everyone has nicknames, like Fig, Stretch Armstrong, Snick Snoid, Jazz, Face, Micheline, Wha-wha-wha? and my all-time favorite, Bowl-Sock-Sandal. Not all these nicknames were meant to be complimentary, but we didn't care! We were all raised with an extra-large sense of humor. Apparently, laughter IS the best medicine, even though the majority are inside jokes.

Speaking of medicine, I got the results for my quad-screen blood test today. The test is meant to screen for genetic abnormalities by measuring certain protein levels in my blood. Thankfully, the test was negative, giving a good indication that my little bambino is doing well. So even though momma may be 'teched' just a little bit, the kid should suffer no ill effects from my psychosis. I can only hope that my little one will enjoy a childhood like mine, with lots of laughter, singing, nicknames and Easter Egg Hunts. But there is NO WAY that he/she will be allowed to jump out the top of Papaw's barn, with or without the help of an umbrella or homemade parachute. Batman has retired, and Mary Poppins is over-rated.

The following is a list of things that only the family would understand. If I leave anything out, please comment and tell me what I forgot. Just needed to do a little reminiscing today.

- Blind man's bluff in the hall
- Playing 'library'...what was your pretend name?
- T holding the football for Snick to 'practice punt'
- The Playroom, nuff said.
- Running to Ma and Pa's house for a cold biscuit
- Roller Skate Obstacle Course!!! With M Factor and Cinderella on the turntable...LOL
- Me and Mel getting our Barbies mixed up, and fighting about it
- Jumping off the ladder onto the donut swing, what a rush!
- "I was walkin', down a one-way street...BAM! Nanie, there's just something about this house."
- Playing 'King Cobra' and 'D. Faye' on the trampoline
- Cat's Eye, Life, and Hungry Hippos
- "Aaaaaannnniieee!!! OOoooooovvveeeerrrr....Pigtails!"
- The Go-Cart. No, I couldn't ride it because I was too fat.
- The Go-Cart. Attacked Michelle and nearly choked her to death with her own scarf.
- "Polly, there's a snake on my arm."
- Playing 'house' in the pigpen. Yes, the pigpen.
- Janet and me riding one-eyed Lady, the pony.
- Crawfishing with Bob in the front ditch.
- "Momma, Mitchell called me hoss!"
- Hope-toe.
- Mitch drying his hair out the window of the 442, while I steered one-handed.

I love y'all. Thanks for all the funny, happy memories.

Janet and me, circa 1975.