Monday, September 12, 2005

Why I'm So Pissed Off

I know to many of you this post may seem ridiculously trite in the wake of the tragedies our country is facing, but I'm so damn mad, for so many damn reasons, that I can't see straight. Maybe if I get it off my mind, I'll feel better...
- ignorance
- the price of one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline
- if one more person says something negative about our military, I'm goona punch them in the face
- people who refuse to be accountable for their action or inaction
- the rich, indeed, are getting richer, and the rest of us are scraping to get by
- honest, integrity, and morals are considered 'optional' equipment in humas these days
- immature men
- instead of being rewarded for hard work and a job well-done, all I get is more hard work.
- indeed, only the good die young
- the immense amount clutter in my car
- doing everthing for someone, and never hearing 'thanks'
- women are paid one half to one third less for doing the identical job of a man in that same position
- people who don't LISTEN
- everything is so fucking expensive
- being taken for granted
- selfish behavior, especially in people who ought to know better
- posers
- incurable diseases


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here, Here. I second the motion. Let it out girl.

12:55 PM  
Blogger ginger said...


1:26 PM  
Blogger Reality Chick said...

Jeanne - Motion passed!

G - Thanks for the love, girl :)

Big Bro - What can I say?

Thanks for the life-affirming pep talk. LOL

I love you...just want to tell you that because of who you are. Your confidence in me has lifted me from many a low places, and that is a debt I will take to my grave.

I want to thank you for your inspiration, too. Listening to you play gives me indescribable joy. And to have the priviledge to sing along occasionally? Well, it doesn't get any better than that.

Come home very soon. You have no idea how much you are missed.*wink*

Yore dysfuncional-ass 'lil sister

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:33 PM  
Blogger Alex Pendragon said...

Methinks thou art upset. I know the feeling.

9:39 AM  

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