Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hey, Nine-ty

This past weekend, my family celebrated the 90th birthday of my maternal grandmother. Her actual birthday was yesterday, Halloween. But due to convenience for family, we celebrated early on Saturday.

My Mamaw Mable, circa 1935

When I think about the expanse and discourse of 90 years, it boggles my mind. Most days, I am concerned about getting throught the next 90 seconds, much less years. Her mind remains sharp as a proverbial tack. But, in spite of her physical ailments, my grandmother plods on, living, breathing, eating, sleeping, thinking. Herein lies my dilemma...do I really want to live for 90 years?

The fact that my rambling mind is a constant companion in waking hours, and sometimes during dreams, makes me think I don't have the desire to listen to myself that long. I'm just not that interesting...besides, we all know that we will be ultimately alone at the end of our lives.

I have no spouse, no kids...my future is looking pretty, well, blank. Am I interesting enough to entertain myself for the next 55 years?

I can see myself at age 90...sitting in my hoveround (on the front porch), fully equipped with mud grips, heavy duty basket, vee-blade in front, 2" hitch on back...and a shotgun laid across my lap. Of course, I will be wearing a cowboy hat and boots in honor of my father, and will in all likelyhood have a revolver (.44 mag) cocked and ready in a holster somewhere on my person. Of course, I will be in possession of a flask, filled with Jim Beam. I, no doubt, will be keeping watch over my place, just waiting for someone to come along and challenge my authority. I'm sure I will own a hoveround, because my knees are sure to blow about age 50. They will be replaced, only to have them wear out again at 85.

Little kids will be horrified of me, adults will possess a reverent fear and awe of my personage, and hardened criminals will flee in my wake. Of course, no curmudgeon would be complete without a guardian, a companion to watch their back while napping. I think I'll have a brindle gray Catahoula with glass eyes...that should impell sufficient loathing and contempt into anyone thinking about bugging me. I'll feed him razorblades to keep him mean. Plus, no old crusty lady would be such without a herd of cats. They can keep the mice out of my house.

What about you? How do you see your life playing out? Ultimately, I would desire to have a long life, but can I handle it? Can I pull it off and make it fun?
I guess I, like everyone else, will have to wait and see. I have become somewhat crotchety already, so I am bound to be exponentially caustic by then. Oooooo, goody. I can't wait.


Blogger Chris said...

I hope I live forever as long as I can have a good standard of life. I can not imagine living only with the help of machines. For the most part I don't think of that part of my future and hope it never comes.

6:23 AM  
Blogger Alex Pendragon said...

I'm shooting for 68. I smoke, have since I was twelve, and short of a miracle cure for nicotine addiction, I'll be lucky to get that far. Yes, it's the quality of life I'm more concerned with then the duration. I'm not going to suffer just to drag on for a few more. However, I do admire those who make it past their 90's with their minds intact.

8:55 AM  
Blogger fairygirl701 said...

I love seeing old pictures like that one--so strange to think of how our grandparents looked & acted so similar to us. Happy 90th Mamaw!!

Sounds like you'll be a spunky 90 yr old! Kids will tell tales about you! hahaha!! Don't know how long I'd like to live, I just know I want to be around as long as my mind is still with me.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

Very interesting post, glad you are back. I don't think kids will be scared of you when you are old. I think you will be a wonderful person to be around then, as you are now. Cooking it up for all of us!!! :) I love you! Oh yeah, I would love to live to be 100! :)

5:12 PM  

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