Friday, June 17, 2005


Most everyone can recall at least one happy memory of childhood. For me, memories of childhood include many times spent with my father...we did a lot of fishing and dad never said 'no' when I wanted a ride on his Harley. I would say, "Go fast daddy!", and then hold on for dear life as he capably fulfilled my request. I would scream and laugh until he let off the gas and slowed down. I went for a ride not long ago as a passenger, and once again felt that exhiliration from childhood...imagine me, at my age, screaming and laughing as we launched onto the open road. I was 8 years old again.

As I've gotten older, my dad and I have become friends. I never imagined all those years ago that I would see my father as one of my best friends, but that's what he is. Whenever I get totally overwhelmed by life or relationships, or some other burden, I go to see my dad. Because I know, without a doubt, that whatever was bothering me will be a long distant memory by the time our visit is done. He has a gift...the ability to put things into perspective. He makes me laugh by telling me stories of his the time he shot Biddy Clark's old plowng horse on the butt with a BB gun just to see what would happen, or the time he stuck his dad in the neck with a 3 foot cattle prod and pressed the button. He gently reminds me that things are nearly as bad as I think by reminding me of my raising, my family, my home, my friends.

So today, I celebrate you dad. It's your birthday, and I want you to know just how much I appreciate you. It may sound trite, but I cannot tell you how much your friendship has come to mean to me. You have always taught me that things change, and now our relationship has changed. I am so thankful that I can talk to you, and know I have your honesty and confindence. That is a precious, rare thing. I don't think I could exist without knowing that you are the reason I am who I am. Your sheer grit has pulled me from the grasp of many depressions, and I am forever grateful to you for that. Thank you for SHOWING me that there is more to life than money, men and mischief...thank you for instilling a sense of pride in me that never falters...thank you for being my advocate, even when no one else would...thank you for never, ever failing to tell me that you love me, because that really made a difference in my life.

Oh, I am so blessed to have you as my father! As long as I live, I will admire, respect, obey and revere you. You deserve at least that much from me...after all, you have earned it.

All my love forever, my father, my friend.


Blogger ginger said...

How sweet. Just knowing how wonderful you and Tammy are proves how great a father he is.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

That is so sweet. I didn't know about the cow thing in the neck!! I will have to ask about that one!! Poor pappaw!! Love you! It was so good to see you this weekend. :)

8:16 PM  
Blogger Gaye said...

Aw Daddies--not father's, dad's, etc. but Daddies. I know exactly how you feel--mine is great too. No one can hug me like my daddy...wish I lived where I could get one of those hugs more often. Lovely post...

12:50 PM  

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