Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I have been busier this week at work than I have been since the holidays...whatupwidat? No complaints here, I need the $$$! So if I have neglected you as a friend or family member, I apologize. ****sheepish grin*****
Here are a few things I would rather do than work...i.e. things I would do should I ever get to "retire". LMAO...retire, that's a hoot.
1. Go fishing. I love to fish almost as much as I love to eat, or talk, or breathe.
2. Paint a landscape. I used my creativity more when I wasn't so busy, and I miss it. Something about getting something out of your head and onto canvas.
3. Travel. I miss, miss, miss travelling to new places. Early in my life, I saw a lot of things...England, France (Paris does suck!), Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium....ahhhhh the chocolate in Brugge, Belgium is better than sex, I SWEAR IT.
4. Visit my friends and family. Gone are the days when folks would just stop by to catch up and have a cup of coffee, while listening to the slamming of the screen door as kids go in and out, playing in the yard.
5. Sing. I grew up singing around my mom's piano, at church...then at weddings, funerals, etc. Then I had the priviledge to sing with my brother's blues band. IT WAS THE MOST AWESOME THING I'VE EVER BEEN A PART OF . Now I'm ruined...I want to be a rock star. I'm not joking.
Just some tedious, and useless facts about me. Now you know what I mean when I say, "I'd rather be....."


Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

I feel ya! You have to make time for these things!!! You shouldn't have to work on the weekends all the time, those are your off days!!! See you this weekend!:)

4:28 PM  
Blogger ginger said...

I miss READING a book. I have very little time anymore to read, when I used to read one to two books a week, maybe more. Now it takes me forever because I think of other things I have to do. I've been trying to make time lately. *sigh*

7:57 PM  

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